Wednesday, 11 September 2013

A Whole New World

*Yawn* ugh what a night.  This teething malarkey will be the end of me!

Ok back to today's post. Have you ever lived somewhere for many years and never known anyone?  I moved into my village 6 years ago and prior to having Joe I didn't know anyone apart from a couple of fellow allotment holders and my next door neighbours.  I don't know if it was a combination of not having any friends here and having a full time job that prevented me from socialising but its amazing what having a baby actually does for your social calendar.  I have met so many new people through playgroups, supports groups, forums and just out and about.  I think having a very happy smiley baby has helped initiate conversation with new people.  I quite often find complete strangers grinning away at me and then i realise its not me they are smiling at; its Joe!  We have a very busy schedule now which goes a little something like this.....

Monday - Swimming
Tuesday - Playgroup
Wednesday - Day Off (usually housework and play at home)
Thursday - Playgroup
Friday - Breastfeeding Support Group
Saturday - Varies (visiting family / friends, shopping, housework, playing)
Sunday - Family Day

I thought I would be quite bored at home with a baby but how wrong was I?.  I might point out that although I have housework scheduled in for twice a week I am not in any way bound by that agreement.  I never inherited the cleaning gene and there's more to life than a gleaming house.

So according to my schedule we have Playgroup this afternoon which Joe and I both enjoy.  There's lots of toys to play with and a hot cup of tea and adult conversation for me.  I highly recommend getting out and about with your kiddies because there is just so much to do.

So until tomorrow peeps

PB & J

P.S. I have a date at the amazing 5 star Rockcliffe Hall Hotel for afternoon tea tomorrow. I've been itching to go for ages so I can't tell you how excited I am!  I might even post some lovely pictures of scrummy cakes and scones so be prepared!

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